
How To Set Coyote Snares

Quick Facts
  • Snaring is an effective technique to capture animals that cause economic impairment and for harvesting furbearers.
  • Snares placed in trails or nether fences can successfully capture furbearers.
  • Carefully select sites where snares are prepare to avoid capturing non-target animals such as deer and dogs.

 Snaring is a useful technique to capture animals that crusade economical loss, such as coyotes that kill livestock and beavers that cut copse or plug irrigation ditches. Snaring as well is pop for harvesting surplus furbearers, one of our renewable natural resources. Snares are effective for capturing target animals, only may capture non-target animals such as deer and dogs if used improperly.

Snaring is the technique of setting a steel-cable loop in an animal's movement path to capture the creature by the cervix or leg. Snares normally consist of a 2-1/2 to 10-pes long piece of galvanized aircraft cable containing a slide lock that forms a loop in the cablevision (Effigy i). Attach a swivel, which prevents twisting and breaking of the cable, to the end of the cable opposite the loop.

Snares present several advantages over steel leghold traps. They are light weight, compact, uncomplicated in function, affected piddling by weather, like shooting fish in a barrel to set, depression in cost, and offer a high caste of trapper condom. In a due south Texas study, snares were 10 times more selective for target species (coyotes and bobcats) than steel leghold traps. Yet, snares tin can be a greater hazard to livestock and some non-target species may be killed.

New commercial snares and extension cables can be cleaned by boiling in detergent and hanging outdoors for a few months until they turn a tiresome gray. Snares also can be changed to a dull gray by boiling each dozen snares in 4 tablespoons of baking soda for one hour. Darker snares tin can be obtained past humid in brown logwood crystals and dye. Later on boiling, continue snares make clean of foreign odors. Article of clothing make clean gloves when treatment and setting snares.

Snares designed to capture furbearers by the neck or leg are set directly in the middle of the animal'due south movement path. Snares usually are held in an animal'due south movement path with one of several dissimilar support systems. One support that works peculiarly well can be constructed from a 36-inch piece of 12-gauge galvanized or nine-estimate soft wire. A "V" bend is made in the support wire about iv inches from the stop and driven into the ground with a notched rod to forestall the back up from moving in the wind. The snare is wrapped around the back up about three times and held in identify by a "U" configuration formed in the upper end of the snare back up. Bend the snare cable up slightly, just within the lock, and so the snare loop is not airtight by the wind (see Figure 1).

Attach snares to a solid object and then captured animals cannot escape. A steel 1/ii-inch bore rebar, 24 to xxx inches long (depending on soil hardness), makes a good anchor. Attach snares to the rebar with a strong swivel to prevent tangling and breaking. Use a lead cable that is at least every bit stiff equally the snare cable to attach brusk snares to the rebar pale. Avoid using 9-gauge wire or several strands of 14-gauge wire to anchor snares to a rebar stake because they may bend back and along, crystallize, and pause. When used for beaver, snares too can exist secured to a tree that is at to the lowest degree 6 inches in diameter or to the base of a large shrub such as a willow.

Snares set in holes under woven wire fences should be held in place near 1 to 2 inches from the fence with the snare support organisation described in Figure 1. The top of the snare tin can be as high equally 3 inches above the bottom wire of the fence. Set the snare far enough away from the debate to prevent the lock from catching on the lesser wire of the contend. Concur the snares in place by clipping them to the lesser wire of the fence with a fine U- shaped wire such as a 1 1/ii-inch piece of a paper clip that allows the snare to easily release (Figure 2). The lesser of the loop should be about 2 inches above the lesser of the hole or coyotes and foxes may be caught by a front leg. With either of the higher up snare support systems, ballast the snares to the heavy-guess wire on the bottom of the fence. The upper wires on a woven wire argue unremarkably are also weak to secure a snare.

Snares occasionally are placed in the field only left unset for one to 2 weeks. This placement allows trappers to quickly set snares when pelts become prime and reduces human aroma at the site.

Snares commonly are set in the form of a round or oval loop. A circular loop that is 12 inches in bore can form an oval loop that is most 14 inches high and 10 inches broad. The post-obit round loop diameters and heights higher up ground are recommended when snaring furbearers (Table 1).

A 5/64- or 3/32-inch bore galvanized aircraft cablevision is recommended for snaring coyotes, beaver, and raccoons. Foxes and bobcats can exist captured in 1/xvi- to three/32-inch-bore snares.

Table 1. A snare set in a pigsty under a livestock fence
Furbearer Type of set Round loop bore (inches) Top of lesser of loop to a higher place footing (inches)
Coyote Trail 9-12 10-12
Coyote Nether Argue 7-10 2
Coyote Leg Snare 8-11 4
Fox Trail 8-10 6-9
Pull a fast one on Leg Snare 8-xi 4
Bobcat Trail 8-10 half-dozen-8
Raccoon Trail 8-10 3-5
Beaver Den, underwater 8-eleven Comprehend bottom of loop slightly
Beaver Dryland Trail eight-eleven 2-iv
Beaver Slide in water eight-eleven Set bottom of loop two inches below water

Animals usually follow the easiest road through heavy cover. These routes, which generally consist of trails, are excellent locations to snare furbearers. Specific locations to set snares for private species follow.

  • Trails to uplands--identify in water or on land forth the route.
  • Trails over dams--assail pinnacle or lesser side of h2o.
  • Narrow creek passages.
  • Den entrances: Construct a 2- to 3-inch loftier mound with mud and apply beaver castor. Brand a V-shaped argue past placing erstwhile branches vertically in the mud. The eye of the V should be open. The V should point toward the mound and be located about 1 foot from the mound. Place the snare in the opening with the lesser of the snare well-nigh two inches below the water.
  • Nether ice at lodges and food caches.
  • Trails leading to a carcass, bone pile, or pond.
  • Trails in the bottom of ravines.
  • Trails under fences.
  • Trails into thickets.
  • Livestock trails in vacant pastures.
  • Narrow paths inside weeds or brush.
  • Trails can be created by driving downwards weeds or stubble with a pickup or by walking in snow.
  • Culvert -- place lure inside.
  • Under bridges.
  • Holes under old buildings.
  • Forth river banks next to water.
  • Forth top of loftier banks side by side to a river.
  • Trail along the top of beaver dams -- go along snare up to avoid beaver.
  • Avert setting under fences and near trees and brush because raccoons can get entangled.

Cheque snares regularly. Within whatever urban center limits or whatsoever areas annexed into a urban center, Colorado Segmentation of Wildlife regulations require that snares exist checked at least in one case daily unless mechanical means are provided to kill snared animals. In all other areas, snares must be visually checked at least once every other twenty-four hour period unless mechanical means are provided to kill snared animals. However, all snares, especially those set near residential areas, should exist checked once every 24 hours, preferably early in the morn, to increase the probability of releasing non-target animals unharmed and to minimize the duration of restraint.

Carefully select sites where snares are ready to avoid capturing non-target animals.

  1. Avoid setting snares on public lands where hunting dogs might be captured during the upland game bird seasons.
  2. Avert setting snares in pastures with livestock.
  3. Avoid setting snares within 50 yards of fauna carcasses to prevent capturing birds of casualty and other scavengers.
  4. Avoid setting snares within major deer, elk, or antelope wintering areas. These big game animals are much less susceptible to leghold traps.
  5. Avoid setting snares on any trails being used by deer, elk, and other not-target animals. Attract predators and furbearers away from trails with specific baits and lures.
  6. Avoid placing a stick horizontally over the trail to encourage deer to jump over or go around the snare. This method encourages deer to lower their heads and get captured in the snare.
  7. Avert setting snares under fences where antelope, deer, or dogs are using the clamber space.
  8. Although about dogs practise non struggle a great bargain in snares and nigh can be released uninjured, avoid setting snares near residences where dogs may accidentally exist captured. Use a curt snare cable to reduce injuries where accidentally captured dogs might jump over a argue or tree co-operative. Also, avoid using entangling devices, which increase the chance of killing an fauna, in areas where dogs may exist captured.
  9. Snares are prohibited forth portions of the Gunnison, Piedra, San Juan, and Dolores Rivers and some of their tributaries to protect river otters.
  10. Deport a catch pole to release dogs and other non-target wild fauna.
  11. Use the lightest snare lock possible, such as the Gregerson breakaway lock, to capture the desired fauna. If deer, elk, and antelope are captured by a leg, they usually can intermission a low-cal lock but may exist held by heavy home-made washer locks.
  12. Avert setting snares where people can readily view captured animals.
  13. Place the location and number of snares on a map so that all tin can be found.
  14. Remove all snares at the end of the season or when they cannot exist checked oft.

Snares are probable to remain a legal harvest tool and a legal depredation control device if they are not misused. There is no need to make a set that has high potential for capturing non-target animals. For example, nearly coyotes can be captured anywhere within their home range, which usually averages 1 1/2 to 10 square miles in size. Thus, select areas where non-target animals will not be captured. Before setting snares, go familiar with state wildlife regulations. Learn the proper techniques and try to accompany a proficient snareperson while learning to set and cheque snares. Past all ways, THINK before setting whatever snare. Responsible trappers take an obligation to the wildlife species likewise equally other trappers, and then do your best to avoid problems when snaring.

A furbearer license is required to snare badger, gray play tricks, kit flim-flam, swift fox, beaver, marten, muskrat, mink, ringtail, long-tailed weasel, curt-tailed weasel, and bobcat. A small-scale game or furbearer license is required to snare coyote, red fox, raccoon, striped skunk, spotted skunk, hognosed skunk, or opossum.

Publication #: 6.517

Service in Activeness 6.517, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University. Published January 1988. Revised Baronial 1993. Copyright 1993. For more data, contact your county Cooperative Extension role.

Colorado State University Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist and associate professor, fishery and wildlife biology.

Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Data included in NASD appears by permission of the writer and/or copyright holder. More


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